Well, it's about the end of summer, another waifu game has started in the games section and so I've thrown this up. I've always wanted to do a roleplaying topic involving waifu since it's always felt arbitrary simple claiming for its own sake. The most anyone does with a waifu after claiming one is simply spanking it on their signature.
Anyway, the last one failed because I seemed to turn one of the events into a giant write-your-own-story exercise than a legitimate roleplay. What I plan to do differently here is to make this more of a collaborative story with an element of roleplaying. What you see now is an interest topic, if I get enough people to show interest in joining, then I'll make this into a proper topic.
The premise of this topic is to create an environment where the players can actually do something with their waifu in addition to putting them on their signature. This is an open-world activity where players are free to go and do as they please, hence this is a character-driven story than a plot-driven one.
However, there's going to be different events that will occur as we go along-in fact I plan to start us with an event in order to get the ball rolling. Players will obviously be able to interact with one another in this and I would like to encourage as much co-op as possible. Another note is that the players are also going to be playing as the waifu they claim as well as their main character.
During this story, events will occur that will effect the entire group as a whole or just specific players and their waifu. The events will be posted in the topic, detailing the nature of the event and who it'll effect. Below are two examples
Story-wide events
Event 0
There's been a string of break-ins in the city of late and the police believe it's a famed cat burglar. If you leave your home unattended, there is a strong probability it'll be broken into and your stuff will be missing.
Player-specific events
Event 0
Player: Tatoeba-San
-As Tatoeba is at work, he will get a call from his son's school that his son got into a fight with a girl of all people and that his presence is requested as soon as possible.
Fakku-City was founded on December 1st, 2006 as a landing, a residential town to meet the immigration influx that had been happening a year before. Over the years, the city has grown into the small metropolis you see before you. The city is populated with people from every corner of Earth, the universe, the multiverse and every walk of life imaginable. There is much to see and much to do in this city, from it's museums and parks, to shops and restaurants, theaters and much more.
But, one must be careful as there are elements of crime, corruption and evil if you turn up the wrong stone or find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. From your usual street gangs, yakuza and organized crime, to blood thirsty demons and lustful tentacle monsters.
Whatever the case, the city is your playground
1. Please keep OOC/Out of Character speak to a minimum. If you must say something to one of the players, pm them so we can keep everything moving.
2. Be respectful and play fair-this goes without saying that godmodding, flaming and the sort is out. If you are behaving in a disruptive way and not following the rules, you'll get a warning, after 2 you are kicked out.
3.You must have waifu in order to participate. Obviously in order to join this game, you have be involved in the waifu game and have claimed waifu.
Those waifu must also appear in the game in some way, shape or form.
Edit:Each player is only allowed one waifu to play with. You're also allowed to use your waifu as a player character.
4.: Mecha, Loli and other things/characters you've claimed are allowed to be in the rp, but are not required like your waifu.
Having husbando (male waifu) is also acceptable.
Your character
In this, you'll play primarily as an original character based on yourself to an extent. There isn't much to say here, just make sure the character isn't something ridiculous. Any mary/marty-sue characters will be deined.
Below is a character sheet. It doesn't need to be followed to the letter, it's just a general template.
Name: Example-san
Race/Ethnicity: Human/ Native Japanese
Age: 30
Appearance: Example-san is an average looking man with an average height of 5'7" and an average build, weighing about 180 lbs. He keeps his short black hair neatly kept in a crew-cut, has brown eyes and wears glasses. When at work, Example-san wears an average-looking blue business suit. When out of the office, Example-san tends to dress plainly in a simple t-shirt and khakis.
Occupation: Example-san works as a salary man for Sakazaki Industries; a large corporation dealing in communication technologies.
Marital Status: Example-san is married to his college sweet-heart; Kyouhun and has two children; Ichi and Ni.
How long have you been a resident of Fakku City: Three years, having moved from Tokyo
Bio: Example-san is an average Japanese man, who's lead an average Japanese life, even after marrying his college girlfriend, Kyouhun. Since graduating from Tokyo University, Example-san has been working for Sakazaki industries as an average salaryman then goes home to lead an average family life with his wife and two children. One weekends, Example-san goes to an average bar to hang out with his average friends and drink average beer and then goes home to his average family... And on Sundays he turns into a cowboy and picks gunfights with random people
If you have any questions and such, feel free to post them here or pm them since this is just the interest thread. If enough interest is generated, either I'll convert this topic to the game thread, or simply put up a new topic with the actual story.