this is what happens when you cant be honest, the girl you love gets fucked by the biggest dick youv ever seen. then shit happens and you get fucked by the biggest dick youv ever seen. learn from this, be honest.
This doujin has become something more than just a doujin to me, honestly. It broke my heart and confused me. I couldn't fap to it, to be honest. I wanted to cry.
I'm sad.
I guess this is your first taste of netorare? I would advice you to steer clear from them if they are not your cup of tea or you are not in the mood to swallow them. Things can get pretty sour in them sometimes.
It's not even my first one is what bothered me the most. Normally I'm really turned on to cuckold stuff.
I guess the reason for me not liking this was because my girl had just broken up with me, and was seemingly already with another guy.
Yeah this can't possibly count as NTR, I mean now that guy and his childhood friend are united in the fact that they're getting from that guy's dick all the time now.
I, for one, thought this was refreshing, and I don't like NTR. It's almost like twisted vanilla.