Tegumi wrote...
Imagine a completely black room, save for the focal point at which stands a man. From behind the man, for dramatic expression, rays of painfully bright light emit with such intensity such that one can not see the man save for his silhouette. Now this man is currently crouched, but very slowly and surely his form begins to straighten out -- he begins to stand up.
This slow but deliberate action draws attention to the object above him: a truly resplendent fedora hat. It is a myriad of colors; it is also colorless. It shines like the sun but is as muted as obsidian. It is neither here nor there.
As the crown of the man's head slowly approaches the gallant headpiece, the ground begins to tremble. Cracks form on every perceivable surface, from whence more harsh light streams forth. The heavens begin to collapse, and the room... now, was there ever a room?
For as far as the eye can see, there is now nothing but pure white. At the center, despite the illumination, one can clearly see a splendorous figure. In one hand he wields the hammer of justice. The other, the shield of truth. He is clad in all white. He is shining, brilliant. Upon his head rests a magnificent crown, for the transformation is complete. A new deity has been born.
This, so much this. Tegumi has swayed my opinion.