Raze wrote...
sora851 wrote...
purifier wrote...
I've never had a wet dream before in my life. I'm not sure what that means, but maybe it implies that I have no sexual desires that aren't fulfilled already. I don't know... I could just be pulling bullshit out of my ass.
im for the bullshit option myself. its prolly just cause you grew out of it.
Not really bullshit. Neither have I. In fact, I've never even dreamed of a girl before, as I've told #fakku about. Which is extremely disappointing to me. God knows how many times I've used the line "I dreamed of you last night" though. *rolls eyes*
Oh, before you start calling me gay, I have a healthy sexual lifestyle, kthanks. And oh, before you say I fap too much, I don't.
I also have a healthy sexual lifestyle, but I frequently dream about having sex with girls I know. It's only the ones I haven't had the chance to have actual sex with though.
In fact I'm probably the only one whom this has ever happened to haha, but there have been a few times where I have woken up humping my pillow. I swear to god in the dream it felt like a real vagina...