Let's Get Horny

206 pages
839 favorites
MEME50 returns with a personal favorite!

Ikemoto's been pining over Maho, his cute college classmate, for weeks and finally has a plan to get some one-on-one time, but unwanted third and fourth wheels have upset his plans! Fuji can be a decent wingman, while Maho brought Tomoko, a glasses-wearing plain Jane who's way too intimidating to talk to. Once the beer starts flowing though, it starts to loosen everyone's tight gears and clothes start dropping along with Ikemoto's jaw!

Maho is a beauty, but Tomoko's lust-inducing boobs and plush butt are off the charts! As a wild orgy commences, Tomoko goes from plain jane to a hottie with a body and Ikemoto might be in love.

Let's Get Horny from acclaimed writer/artist MEME50 is another classic that blends his unique brand of romance with witty beats and light NTR. A near ten-year veteran, MEME50’s work has been featured in magazines Shitsurakuten and Kairakuten BEAST as well as his own doujin work for the circle, memeya. MEME50 was also FAKKU’s guest of honor at Anime Expo 2017, where he filled panel rooms with his unique sense of humor and entertaining views on pop culture. FAKKU Books previously released his collections Limit Break, XXX Maiden, Heat Alert, and Drawn By Brush to great fanfare.

Paperback Ships July 2021
Sample Screenshots