What type of content would you like to see more of on FAKKU?

What type of content would you like to see more of on FAKKU?

Total Votes : 8,027
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Maybe a few games, either free-to-play stuff or puzzle games. Just a thought.
My answer is that we need more Doujins.

This was a hard question to answer because it would’ve been nice for all of those options to be implemented at some point, however I think it would be best for Fakku to increase the amount of doujins on the site before diversifying into games (which could possibly be sold the same way doujins are) and videos.

It is possible why I feel the site feels so empty (compared to other hentai sites) is not that there isn’t a lot of content, but rather not seeing many recognizable doujins gives this illusion that the library isn’t as large. Going to a hentai site to read hentai you usually always see an abundance of series such as Touhou and Kantai Collection that spawn a large variety of doujins. I don’t mean only those series but popular/familiar series that spawned quite a lot of good doujins like Ore no Imouto and Evangelion.

Don’t get me wrong though, I love original content as well and we need those doujins to return too.. *cough* Beautiful Girls Club (with a physical release) ;)
I voted videos because I remember when Fakku actually had videos on the site (bicycle fairy anyone?) and I enjoyed them. However upon further reflection, I think doujinshi, specifically anime/manga doujinshi, might be better since it gives new users something familiar. Right now, I think people are subscribing because a) they like certain artists b) they want uncensored hentai or c) they want to support the industry and either a) or c). If more doujinshi were added and they were uncensored, users might join because now they have hentai of anime series they enjoy and not just unfamiliar one-shots based in their own universes.
I would definitely love to see more doujins, especially parody works from more recognizable series. I'd love to see some Kill la Kill (Satsuki-sama <3) and Monogatari doujins (I need my waifu, Kanbaru), especially.

Of course, I would like to see all of these eventually, but I don't know if now is the right time to jump in to videos and games. Maybe after getting more doujin and full books though. It would be really fucking cool to see games and hentai anime (I'm assuming that's what you mean by video) on FAKKU sometime later in the future.
SHIKIMAYA @ShikimayaPub
Shiroyama wrote...
All of them.

However, I'd prefer more Doujinshi and if I was being specific, I'd like to see some Kantai Collection parodies. My ship girls need some love too.

The ability to buy digital copies of H DVDs akin to how Amazon does it's service with digital TV seasons would be great.
YQII wrote...
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...
エロカワ wrote...
more monster girls are never a bad thing and I'm dying for a full tankoubon with them.

How about a kickstarter with a bunch of monster girl books?

As frequent of a request as this might be, it's a practically non-existent genre when it comes to commercial manga. Often you only get one or two chapters of it in a book, and "monster girl" is also a very broadly defined term where the vast majority falls under either some form of animal girl or demon girl. If we're talking lamias, centaurs, slime girls, etc., you have maybe a dozen or so artists who regularly publish their works in a few magazines. As a result, if you're looking for books with 100% monster girl content, there's only a handful out there. We are working on getting more monster girl content though.
GOT has two tanks that are 100% monster girl
Monster Girl Quest OR I RIOT! (Mostly joking of course... Mostly.)
I impulsively voted for doujins because that's what I've been craving.

But games and movies would be cool too.

There must be a mandatory Asuka celebration.
Shiroyama Homonculus' Groupie
SHIKIMAYA wrote...
Shiroyama wrote...
All of them.

However, I'd prefer more Doujinshi and if I was being specific, I'd like to see some Kantai Collection parodies. My ship girls need some love too.


You do not realise how excited you've just made me. I wait with baited breath.
I'd actually love to see more print books of more explicit content. I want physical books that contain futas, traps, lactation, bondage, sex toys, ect.
Doujinshi would be great, but hypothetically I'd love for videos of some sort--especially actual hentai. With Media Blasters (understandably) being so slow with their stuff, it'd be great if there was someone else bringing stuff over.

Or, you know, Fakku could strike up a new deal with Mostflogged and continue the "Jerk-It Jenny" hentai reviews, those were loads of fun!
Doujin of actually popular characters... Personally I want to see Tohsaka Rin, Nanoha from Cyclone or really anything Cyclone makes uncensored.
Games. Definitely more games.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Honestly I would love to see more games on Fakku.

The first time FakkuVerse was a thing, it was nice to be able to interact with other players outside of an IM or Forum-based format.
Second time the server was practically dead sadly.
Manga, though I'd love to see someone make an English, physical release of the Taimanin series visual novels.
Tsunetsuki wrote...
I'd love to see someone make an English, physical release of the Taimanin series visual novels.

I'd also really love to see this if they can get it uncensored... even if it is just a one off as far as games are concerned. I love this series. Though, I hear Lillith is one of the harder ones to ink a deal with.
ntfakku Reads & Collects Stuff
Can't vote twice but I would love to see video on FAKKU as well.
Personally, Id like to be able to purchase more original works that some of my favorite artists have done.
So more h manga for me.
I voted Manga since I would like some more non-H adult stuff.