Monster girl AND vanilla? I†˜m adding the story to my favorites of the favorites list and demand a sequel and I didn’t even read the story jet... Update after reading: SEQUEL OR WE RIOT!!! *throws TWO chairs*
That was unreasonably cute and unexpectedly bittersweet. I don't want to spoil, but, I'd be mad if this is how this story ends. Hopefully we can see closure with this couple. As a side note, her trying to hide her fangs was adorbs!
Damn it. Take her home. Marry her or something. I don't want it to be a bittersweet ending.
On a serious note, this is a really good story. I really wish there will be a sequel in the near future.
Wait, did she die at the end? Was she like the ghost of a vampire who passed on after fulfilling something? Or can vampires just die? I'm very confused.
The ending is certainly ambiguous. The simplest explanation is that Yachika found true love for the first time, which is apparently some sort of fulfillment, so she will now pass on to the spirit world. Of course, that means Sakuragi will never see her again, so it's a bittersweet ending.
I'm always so very happy to see more Monster Girl releases, especially when it's paired with the Vanilla tag!
What a sweet ending though. True, this ending may be a lot better...But still! I can see a way to improve it...How about "She married the man of her dreams and lived happily with him thereafter"?
After all, if she needs to subsist on human blood, all she needs is, say, a loving partner who is willing to let her have a nibble every now and then?
If vampires existed in RL, they wouldn't bother with the neck; they'd go straight for the cock, precisely because it's a rich source of blood---AND tasty, nutritious semen.
Update after reading: SEQUEL OR WE RIOT!!! *throws TWO chairs*
Last Modified Mon May 18, 2020, 11:07 am
-- ouchie.
(Falls over)