Well, just because he shares the blood of his father doesn't make him his father...
Makes me feel a bit bad for the father, cause he seemingly knows nothing and seems like a decent enough guy.
Cuvie has been around forever and has done all kind of stories. Hell, I remember when pretty much the ONLY translated Cuvie works with English translations were twisted incest scenarios, long long ago...
... you haven't read much of Cuvie's broader work. You might hunt down a tank called Heavenly to see her stretch even more, and Alluring Woman published by Wani/ Fakku ain't all vanilla .
Last Modified Sun May 21, 2017, 7:08 pm
Son: "Nice tie dad. Looks good."
Father: "Thank you, son. I'm so proud of you, and the wife that I love dearly who would never cheat on me."