Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today.

It's been a very long time since I've posted here.
Feels like just yesterday.
Sup guys.
Holy fuck, I just got the notification that I've been a member for 15 years!!!!!

......God I'm fucking old.

illumi wrote...
It's been a very long time since I've posted here.
Feels like just yesterday.

Dude, stop. I've been feeling this a lot these days. Shawn of the Dead is fucking 20 YEARS AGO, but it still feels like it's only been, like, 5-6 years since it's release!
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Uzumaki101 wrote...
Holy fuck, I just got the notification that I've been a member for 15 years!!!!!

......God I'm fucking old.

illumi wrote...
It's been a very long time since I've posted here.
Feels like just yesterday.

Dude, stop. I've been feeling this a lot these days. Shawn of the Dead is fucking 20 YEARS AGO, but it still feels like it's only been, like, 5-6 years since it's release!

We're not just old, we're getting fucking ancient here...
Kadushy wrote...
Sup guys.

Not a Douche
I am still here, kek!
Tanasinn The Bellpepper
been a while. 13 yearssssssssssssssssss

lots of shit has happened in such a small amount of time. around 2021-til now i suppose

At one point, I was a hentai game speedrunner on plexstorm. Originally, i applied to be their web admin in regards to financial transaction stuff and when that fell through [along with their entire website and later NFT bullshit lmao] i ended up getting picked up by a few other independent lewd content creators to do/build stuff such as VR content and the like. so technically i do porn but im in the background dealing with negotiations and event stuff. Day job is vanilla tech stuff aka podcast backlog time.

had some pree scary health shit until i started putting two and two together. basically body has never had 'correct' hormone levels for my age. found out there was a possibility that i am intersex. More pieces fell into place and now im trans lmao. granted, this is a very very very very very summarized version of events. in short, things don't just magically fix themselves to this extreme level in most people who go through an hrt routine yet this is the healthiest i have been, ever. anyway soonish the sequencing is going to go down and I'll have a definitive answer. Currently i feel much better.

oh i am also getting back into music production proper however the thing i was hired on to do i can't say much about due to an nda.

I reached ShoDan DP in beatmaniaIIDX
I moved to discord, everyone stopped talking to me and now I just talk to people on VRChat
There was also a car accident that put me in a coma
I'm a vtuber now lol
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Solva-tan wrote...
I'm a vtuber now lol

I'm not even surprised.
Checking in
12 years! I guess I'm officially an elder now.
Damn, apparently it was 8 years since I last made a post in this thread so here's the decennial-ish check in I guess.

Still alive and kicking.

It's great to see so many recognizable names pop when reading through the thread. Even if it in actuality has been a decade since I was an active member it doesn't feel that long ago, and I'll always remember you guys.
If I had realized this was here I wouldn’t have made a post in the random section. Oh well, has been cool to look around at this place and remember good times.
Room101 Waifu Collector
Shit, way more people in here that I recognize than I would have expected.

Anyway, Room101 here. No particular reason for popping in here, at least not directly. Fakku came up in a discussion I had with someone else and I thought "it has been how many years now?" since I last came here, so time for revisiting I guess. Joined somewhere in latter half of 2009 which fuck, makes me feel old.

Life moves on I guess, with ups and downs. Mostly downs, but I'm still here, still largely in one piece so I probably shouldn't complain too hard. Finished my higher education against all odds, was mostly boring tedium that didn't really teach me anything and was absolutely useless in job search but at least I wasn't one of those insufferable Econ major nerds and I did live in Japan for a year - that comes in more useful than you'd expect.

Spent a bunch of years falling through the cracks and being unemployed or doing fuck all unpaid internships, then ended up getting my first job. Really shitty marketing gig with shit pay even before Covid came and fucked everything into the ground. But the dude running it went under and had to suck proverbial cock so lmao. Ended in better spot year later, had two good offers, got a good perfectly boring office job for an industry association. I say boring but it was honestly ok work for moderate amount of effort and conditions were good. Had really baller super, dude was The Man; taught me more about website design and subcontracting than any of those useless courses heh. Was also friends with this amazing Italian IT dude; only one who got the 80s movie references. Got to meet a bunch of Really Important People, chaired a brief full of guys who probably make more money in a month than my family does in a year, went cool. Then office politics axed my department. Currently running my own business as part of the hated capital class I guess; nothing really fancy and I still have to live with my family. But I'm also one of the people that wrangles the budget together and buys fancy shit for Christmas, so I can look myself in the mirror. Honestly not all that bad; didn't have to work digging in the ground or the like. Oh yeah, I get a surprising amount of Japanese clients, so all that weeb exchange student knowledge actually got put to use lol.

Had a cat; really lovely forest cat that we adopted after his family threw him out. Fucking French pricks - he was the most magnificent fluff ball you'd ever see. Incredibly intelligent too, but very territorial and he never got over his fear of loud noises. Was absolutely devastated when he died, but he also died really old for a cat.

Socially it has been a mixed bag as well. A friend group I was part of for 15-16 years ended up imploding over politics and some people choosing ideological purity over people, which for me is code for fuck right off. Ended up meeting some new people, some good, some bad and some really perverted even by standards of Fakku. I became wiser and better aware of what I want out of life, which hasn't always been a good thing. Also ended up causing a guy to ragequit a discord server with a random quip about their shit taste; was honestly funny seeing mod PM me after work going "Dude, what the fuck did you do!?" Mostly keeping to Discord these days; I avoid social media like plague and everything I've seen just confirms I made the right choice. No real relationships and I live out in the boonies, so that's a problem as well. But to be honest I probably wouldn't care about emotional closeness as much as I would for good 'ol physical sex.

I do occasionally see some Fakkuza around - you people know who you are.

Guess that's all of it in a nutshell. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" kind of thing I guess.
been a fucking long while since i posted here, unfortunately i lost access to my old account, cant really remember what my old password and address was, gotta say seeing old names sure brings back memories, not expecting anyone to remember me but its a treat to still see some of the old names still be in this thread

to the elites and elders of the past, i hope you guys are doing well and are in a good place like myself, this is K-A and you guys sure made my younger years a lot interesting for better or for worse lol
Hi!!! Haha I came back to post cause KA above me told me! I used to make this face ^.^ all the time. I'm an absolute normie now happily married to a husband~ More spunky and happy go lucky then I used to be which I didn't think was possible. I'll check again some other time if someone knows me that I already haven't spoken tooooo
just now realized that I've been here for two years! More than happy to be back
Life has been pretty shitty. Last June my son passed away from complications to a seizure. He was 16 months old. It has basically broken me, things that used to bring me joy make me feel nothing.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

Your Food and Cooking Mod,
Longevity or Classy
Checking in, 16 years!

Holy fuck am I old D:

FormerUser wrote...
Life has been pretty shitty. Last June my son passed away from complications to a seizure. He was 16 months old. It has basically broken me, things that used to bring me joy make me feel nothing.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

Your Food and Cooking Mod,
Longevity or Classy

Dude, my condolences. I know it's tough rn, that everything is now a void, nothing matters anymore, and that joy will never come back to your life. Yes, it'll be tough....

...But you'll be okay.

It might not be tomorrow, the next week, next month, next year, maybe even longer..... but eventually, you will be okay. Hang on and keep living