
Elder Pervs. Where We Are Today. Sometimes I lie awake at night, wondering how friends whom I have made on Fakku are faring in real-life. Thus, I have decided to create this topic to gather as many veteran Fakku members as possible. …


FAKKU Café v6 Welcome to the 6th incarnation of the café! Maybe you just want to sit, relax and surf through the forums. Or you can't sleep and you've replied to all the interesting topics. Yes, here's t
What are you listening to right now? spoiler videos asdfasdf Iced Earth - high water mark
I guess I start chemotherapy again Apparently I have to go to daily chemotherapy next week and then weekly. I guess since I wasn't hospitalized this time I have to start with a smaller dose everyday it's kind of sucks because I have to…
Unsaid Thoughts v2 Unos deleted the original thread, so i've made a new one. It's a thread where you want to rant about something, or …
Be the last one to post.... OK... I WILL accept the fact that Harontiar got the last post in …
Would you have sex with the above user's avatar? v2 Since the old thread had become the buggiest thread on Fakku. Have fun!
Hug, Slap, or Kiss, the avatar above you? I STOLE THIS IDEA FROM MY GUILDS IN GAIAONLINE... yeah i get all the forum games from there ^_^ easy... just do what the title says! let's start: no one above me ;D…
Rate the above users avatar! (v.2) If you've been to the old thread lately, you've surely noticed the problems it has (the usual new page bug, plus directing you t…
Not sure who remembers me from the old days... Also not sure what the hell happened to my username on here, it was some Kanji but it seems that has been done away with. If anyone is interested in talking on another platform this is Masa…
Rekt One day I thought it would be a great idea to hit a random stranger with a flagpole. 'Nuff said. inb4 didn't ask, no one cares, tl;dr, OP is a faggot. I know the drill, this ain'…
FAKKU Writers' Lounge Thumbnail
FAKKU Writers' Lounge This is the FAKKU Writers' Lounge. This is a writers' chat and discussion thread. It was originally suggested by high_time. As we did…
The Bookie's Nook OPEN TO ALL NEW OR OLD. Just be kind to others. Come on In and take a seat. All subjects are welcome for chat and d…
Fakku Fap Game! Thumbnail
Fakku Fap Game! This is just like the Pokemon one use the last 3 numbers of ur post AND FAP!!! WERES MY FUKING REP! EDIT: my rule: if you came you say it!
Confirmation Wife is indeed pregnant and we will be having a baby girl. Due date is one day before my birthday, so possibly might share a birthday with my child.
Being a an ex-convict sucks People won't hire me, apartments don't want me to live there, and getting into certain universities is now impossible. Of course, I did this to myself. Regrets? Yes. …
What Got You Into Hentai? I remember the anime that made me go "Oh fuck I can rip my dick off to this!" It was Hatsu Inu: A Strange Kind of Woman. Had I not found that I'd probably …
Howdy Wife might be pregnant. Dueses
Happy Birthday Tanamachi Kaoru It's that special day when we celebrate you, Kaoru~ Have a wonderful birthday~ …
another rotation around that coincides with my birth Nothing much has changed. Still sick. I lost the ability to see words on my phone without zooming in. Got suspended on Twitter. I guess I told the wrong person to grow up and stop whining. I don't fee…