It lost it's kick after the like 800th chapter. The boxing basics were getting a bit askew and driving away from the point. The fights became unrealistic and that made me a bit sad. I mean have you seen Speed Star VS Itagaki? They turned that match into a dragon ball Z fight. People disappearing and teleporting and throwing light speed punches and shit.
BUT, that doesn't mean I stopped reading. I always enjoyed the comedy and antics of the characters. Although the sweating was a bit annoying. These characters sweat. ALOT. Common conversation sweating buckets, boxing matches where your commentating? Sweating. For a thousand chapters, I swear these guys have sweat out the Atlantic Ocean by now. Seriously though, a thousand chapters and still no progress in his
The anime was amazing though. You know you got hit by Makunouchi Ippo, when you get hit so hard you have flashbacks.