Looking4Moar wrote...
(Only reason I am not commenting on Haruka arc ending is because anything I say will already be mentioned or doesn't need to be)
Thou, after 10yrs I kinda thought maybe they'd have a kid, oh well.
Ok, so Kaoru is next, hhmm.
Well lets see what how this one goes. I am curious though, since each female is getting her own arc, is it also possible that each females arc with be within the same time period, or at least a few of them? I wouldn't mind seeing alternate X-mas situations with some of the other ladies ^^
Yes, that's exactly what I thought, no kid after 10 years? If there were kids, there would be like 10 because of the hyperactive duo.
And yes, the arcs are all at the same time. So basically, Kaoru's arc will start where Haruka's started. About the same time.