Our male protagonist, Kanie Seiya, is a high school student. When forcefully brought to visit a derelict theme park, by a beautiful girl named Sento Isuzu, he is tasked to revitalise the theme park through various means. Will he succeed in saving the theme park?
Personally, I have not been to many theme parks in real-life. In various forms of media, they are portrayed as attractions with bright and cheerful atmospheres. Hopefully, this particular title will bring a smile to viewers too.
A link to the official anime website: http://www.tbs.co.jp/anime/amaburi/
and I knew someone was gonna post Isuzu's rump. It's decent but is it all THAT great?
also...Kanye and Latifah...who did the LN for this thing again...?
It was hilarious seeing how in disarray the park was. I'm a bit put off on how sudden Isuzu suddenly asked Kanie out. Hopefully this gets explained in a few eps. Ugh, do we have to have a forgotten memory trope AGAIN? I mean an important event like what happened in the flashbacks would surely be burned into someone's mind.
I'll keep watching this. I still have hope for Kyo-Ani.
i love this anime why because its so close to real yet so far
and loving Isuzu poker face with cute hime Latifa and all the
fairies Sylphy x Kobori x Muse x Salama too well Seiya the saver
I died laughing at how Bont- Sorry, Moffle's video had more hits than T and A surprisingly. Good job animating with the fanservice so far, KyoAni.
[color=white]I'll be honest, I came because of Isuzu's ass shot at first.[/color]
Those asshat guests had it coming. I would hate to have a job where I had to interact with strangers.
How are a mouse-like creature and Queen Latifa a loli related (inb4 it's magic)? The way 50 ce- Isuzu's ammunition was explained tells me that it's going to be a plot point later on.
So uh...which elemental fairy is your favorite?
I've seen the wikipedia article and out there are more of these characters named after African American celebrities than I though. I lost it upon finding out the references.
Kanie - Kanye West
Latifa - Queen Latifah
Isuzu - 50 cent
Kurisu - Chris Tucker
Aisu - Ice Cube
Update: I FREAKING LOVE KANIE SEIYA!! ; - ; and I want him to end up with Sento and I always look forward to the next episode. the mascots are so adorable and cute~~
I know it was the bean making Sento that way, but she was so adorable in ep.6. It warms my heart to see a maiden in love (especially when they try to fight it).
Love Sento, my favorite Kyoani girl since Chitanda. And the Mascots/3 stooges are just god tier. Their banter, the way the writers build up their everyday lives, their FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. They really nailed the working 40 year old man feel. I love those guys.