Anime News Network wrote...
The story begins when Yuzuki suddenly moves from Tokyo into the countryside home of Haruto.
Yoshimasa Hosoya and Megumi Nakajima will reprise their lead roles of Haruto Kirishima and Yuzuki Eba from the two earlier original video anime. The cast also now includes new members, some of whom are different from the earlier original video anime (OVA) version:
Ayane Sakura as Asuka Mishima
Daisuke Ono as KyÅsuke Kazama
Toshiki Masuda as Takashi Yura
Yuki Takao as Nanami Kanzaki (Saori Hayami in OVA)
Nana Kouno as Akari Kaga
Saki Fujita as Rin Eba (Aoi YÅ«ki in OVA)
Aya Endo as Kiyomi Asakura
Chiaki Takahashi as Aoi Kirishima
Sayuri Yahagi as Mina Nagoshi
Hosoya will perform the ending theme "Kimi no Iru Machi" as Haruto Kirishima.
The anime will premiere on TV Tokyo on July 13 and air every Saturday at 11:30 p.m. Shigeyasu Yamauchi (Casshern Sins, Dream Eater Merry) is directing the anime at Gonzo, and Reiko Yoshida (K-ON!, Bakuman.) is in charge of the scripts. Terumi Nishii (Penguindrum) is designing the characters, while Keiichi Oku is composing the music.
I'm following the Kimi no iru machi manga and still loving it. I can't wait for the anime series to come out. Unlike the OVA, the anime series will follow the same artwork from the manga.