I have to point out this anime is the first in the season to have an opening to hype me, god knows how many times i've repeated it. The pipe pip at the start is irresistible.
3D animated animes are a rarity. I recall the lastest one i've seen being Akito of the exile with it's Alexanders. That aside, while i wouldn't exactly say the animation being masterful nor the modelled being excellent but it did it's part of at least not making the actions look awkward. Trust the words of a student of animation.
I'm really digging the design of the mecha, kinda gives me the feels of Messala from the zeta seies.
The wrist mounted gun is sexy ass hell, since it reminded me of the grey knights from the 40k universe.
Teh sex.
Overall, i'm gald that i watched this. Give me hope that this season was largely unwatchable~