The first episode caught me by surprise, which is pretty damn good. Will continue watching to see how they can keep the moeblob and action sequences in good unison for future episodes.
Kill La Kill made this anime so anticlimactic. I thought it was alright at first but after Kill La Kill it become boring. FUCK KANATA. FUCK MOEBLOB PUSSY. BASED TRIGGER.
Kill La Kill made this anime so anticlimactic. I thought it was alright at first but after Kill La Kill it become boring. FUCK KANATA. FUCK MOEBLOB PUSSY. BASED TRIGGER.
Kill La Kill wins. But I still loved the first ep of this one.
I enjoy this show. For some reason this show reminds me of another show. So many similar/familiar antics I swear I've seen before.
Mirai for some reason reminds me of a character from Key, my mind says Fuuko with Dekomori Sanae's "Desu" complex, but my inner conscience says it's someone else.
So far I really like this show, and the animation as always is top notch.
Did berserker Akihito really need to be that powerful for the narrative to work? He seemed more powerful than the Hollow Shadow (or whatever the other sub groups are calling it). It seems to be overkill when he is already immortal. That said, I am interested in the political intrigue that was started this episode.
He is indeed very likely to be at the same class, if not stronger than the Hollow Shadow, especially when it comes to pure destruction. Though, I have no knowledge of the light novel, and honestly this right now is too good for me to spoil myself by reading the original.
I would guess that he's born from an ancient youmu, if not The Youmu himself if there's such a thing. The things he could do right now as a HALF-youmu - not even full and bodiless like the Hollow Shadow, that thing is just completely outclassed - is downright ridiculous. Luckily though, megane's cursed blood offensive power apparently > everything.