beeza wrote...
Now I have a question. Are baseball anime THAT good? I'm beginning to see them show up on the lineup on a consistent basis. Am I missing out? In the anime world run by ecchi and moe thrives? It almost makes me laugh. But seriously, if someone is watching them and they're good, please tell me.
Ugh. "In the anime world run by ecchi and moe fanservice"... man, you people are the problem with today's bad anime. The anime world is NOT run by ecchi anime. It is because of tasteless people like yourself that there's rarely any decent anime nowadays.
If you were even remotely interested in trying out something that is actually
GOOD and not just cocktease, you would find out what greatness there is out there in the world of anime.
Long story short, yes, baseball anime can be very good.
inb4 -rep shower
Akaoni21 wrote...
K-ON Season 2, Meh... I really loved the beginning of K-ON Season 1 but I think it completely tailed off in the mid-end. (The thing that really annoyed me was the way in which Yui learned to play the Guitar.
It was like: "Oh yeah, Didnt'cha know I can play the Guitar perfectly already"... "Wait it sounds kinda weird"... *Helpfull tip from the gang and a minor adjustment* PERFECT!!) >_>
Im just not that psyched about it TBH but maybe if it gets a little Ecchier then I can get excited about it. :P
It will not get any ecchier. In fact, if you look back into a few episodes from the first season, you will realise there is no ecchiness whatsoever. And the reason for that is quite simple: the anime is NOT suposed to be ecchi. And they proved that you don't need it to make it a good anime.
If they were to introduce ecchi now (which won't ever happen unless they change the staff) the anime would be ruined.