The anime title "Senran Kagura" helped in boosting the sales of its game counterpart "Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus" on the Playstation Vita.
Will the anime title "Photokano" boost the sales of "Photokano Kiss", likewise a game title on the Playstation Vita?
In any case, I digress. Maeda Kazuya is an ordinary 2nd year high school student. On the last night of his summer vacation, he obtains a digital camera from his father. Igniting his passion for photography, Kazuya decides to utilize his digital camera when the new school term begins. How will his life change? Will he land up in prison for being a pervert or will he magically find the love of his life?
Based on how the game is played, I will be expecting quite a bit of fanservice for this particular title.
I am unable to find a PV at this point in time, but the following is a wallpaper which I obtained from the official anime website:
Link to the official anime website:
I am looking forward to highschool female students and ecchi fanservice. Are you?