Plot Summary: The Shogunate is in its final years, and war is fast approaching. When Akizuki Yojiro, a dark and mysterious mercenary, nears something supernatural with some kind of importance to him, the ornament on the end of his sword hilt waves in its direction, his eyes glow mysteriously, and he is driven to go after it. He comes across a traveling theater group who is out for revenge for the killing of the parents of the group's leader, and whose mysterious playwright likes to secretly help along events of history. Yojiro joins them to lend them his skill against their enemies, while dark conspiracy continues to follow behind him.
I loved both themes, especially the ED, and the OSTs even.
KÅya Ruten by FictionJunction YUUKA (OP)
Ai no Tsurugi (Swords of Love) by Takako & The Crazy Boys (ED)
This series was made by one of Sunrise's most renowned directors, RyÅsuke Takahashi; which premiered in Japan on October 6, 2006 and ended on April 6, 2007, consisting a total of twenty-six (26) episodes.
Now, onto my personal experience of watching this. As a fan of "Japanese historically based" series, this is simply one of my all time favorites. It had good quality animation, wonderful music/soundtrack which complimented the whole theme and "period", fantastic cast of seiyuus, and most importantly, had a very interesting plot and characters alongside with it. The overall samurai essence/feel to it was there every episode without exception. It even featured some of Japan's most popular historical figures (Hijikata Toshizou) and events/facts which enabled me to learn quite a number things.
The "romance" between Akizuki and Yuyama KakunojÅ was another thing that I particularly liked in the series. I think they're at my top 10-20 list of favorite anime couples. It was quite obvious from early on that they're gonna be paired-up together; as their fate intertwined with one another. All in all, their "romantic relationship" was nicely developed and was very subtle in nature.
I only had a few minor issues concerning its "supernatural" side of the coin but nonetheless, a very worthwhile series to watch. I recommend it with a :)
...I feel like I'm forgetting something...? :roll:
Since you're recommending this series, I'll guess I'll watch it. I didn't think that there was any romance involved, and now that I have a better feel for the show, it should be worth my time.
Beautiful music, excellent visuals and an intriguing overall feel. Still, I personally found all the historical and political story elements a bit too confusing and preventing me from 'smoothly' watching the series.
Since you're recommending this series, I'll guess I'll watch it. I didn't think that there was any romance involved, and now that I have a better feel for the show, it should be worth my time.
I started watching this a while back prob when it aired, and had to stop due to other reason, and I always wanted to get back to it, I even recommended it to a friend, since he saw the word "Bakumatsu" in the title and thought "yes,do want" so right now he has the series, (it wasn't stored on a HD at the time just a DVD-R so until he finishes I can't see it, but I did love it,(what I saw) and I only recommended stuff to him if it is good, I think I've only recommended like a dozen to him (he can be quick picky nano desu)
One of the first few animes I watched, can't remember much of the story but I remember it getting crazier towards the end with quite an epic ending. Not really a fan of serious animes but this was alright. Having samurais in it is a plus of cos.
Animation and music was very nice if I recall correctly.