oldmanleroy wrote...
Gurren Lagann is a mecha tho :)
I don't know, the best anime fight ever for me has got to be Goku vs baby.
Since i don't remember any fight that left an impression to me like that one did.
What are you trying to so? o.0 Because it's a mecha the action scenes aren't fight scenes?
The Jesus wrote...
(>'.')>¿;= wrote...
has anyone seen all of karas? that was a pretty distinguished mini-series which exceled in almost every aspect, including fight scenes.
Totally, Karas has the best fights I've ever seen in an anime.
You guys are awesome, simply because we like the action scenes in Karas. The very beginning was just intense, I can't believe it took me almost a month to finish a 6 episode OVA, it was a just phase I was going through lol.