Soul_Slayer wrote...
GiantTunaFish wrote...
I really dislike watching animes that have 100+ episodes. I prefer an anime with an ending. I use to watch Bleach, but it just got too long, so I stopped.
I'm actually the opposite in a way. I wanted Clannad to go on forever!!! Though, I see the point that most shows do need to end early on otherwise they will lose viewership.
Yea I'm torn on Bleach, I love it want it to go on... but there is no wieght to it, I mean I understand they are practically immortal but geez cant some one die once in a while? :lol:
But about Kenny (Zaraki) I agree, He should easily beat the other Cap't in this arc, I mean he is the only cap't not weakened by the rebellion so he should easily stand toe to toe ya know?