The story follows a series of bizzare murders of schoolgirls who have been dismembered and stuffed into boxes. The private investigator hired by a missing daughters mother joins forces with an antique book seller and others to unravel the murder spree. Probably the big mystery anime of 2008.
I watched the first episode... and I was like "Wtf?" It certainly looks promising and the animation is crisp and storytelling is smooth. The OP/EDs are great, done none other than the band Nightmare. I'm just hoping it turns out to be something totally shocking and epic. I'll be giving this series some more episodes.
I read up on the first and only scanlated chapter before the airing started. For once, the anime takes it slow and include every subtle detail.
The first episode covers roughly the first half of chapter 1, which is about 35 pages. A great adaption for once.
There are only 2 volumes out, so hopefully they won't have to speed up the pace that much. I'm looking forward for more.