Ok this is a relatively new manga but is funny as hell..
Here's a summary from Mangaupdates:
Here’s a new shounen series that’s a comedy involving bloody noses and taking a shit. If you actually expect to see shitting, this is not the series for you… I think? I don’t know what future chapters will entail. Anyway, it’s about a girl who seems to lack social skills who likes this short guy who she finds to be really cute. The two go off and do things basically.
I don't wanna try to explain much more but i'll just say this .. as the summary said this girl has no social skills so she doesnt' know what friends and such usualy do and that leads to very funny situations and also.. she has nosebleeds everytime she looks at the guy wich is just funny. Anyway if you wanna check it out you can go here:
P.S only 2 chapters so far scanlated=\