moglidor wrote...
Hey dudes. After hearing that the Claymore manga ending, I want to get the Anime, which I've been putting off for too long. But I heard that the blu ray is bad. Can anyone please clear this up for me?
The blu-ray has excellent HD quality episodes and the sound is top-notch.There are absolutely no issues that I have encountered with the blu-ray set.
There are 26 episodes and the blu-ray edition comes with a small paperback artbook.One thing to let you know is that the Claymore manga ends at Chapter 22.The anime ends around Chapter 12 in the manga but has a different ending.Therefor if you finish the anime and want to continue the storyline,check out Volume 12 to see where the story turns.
Claymore is a great series both in the manga and anime.I've had no regrets with none of my Claymore purchases.