The story revolves around Mina Ţepeş, princess-ruler of all vampires, and her "protector," Akira. Like other vampires, Mina has been in hiding with her people for many years. Seeking to end centuries of isolation, Mina gains permission to create a special district for vampires, "The Bund", off the coast of Japan by paying off the national debt of the Japanese government. Mina then reveals to the world the existence of vampires and her desire for both races to live together. Tensions, however, run high as fearful humans and extremist vampire factions begin to interfere with Mina's wish for peace with the human world.
I watched the anime when it was released last winter season and enjoyed it very much, although the end was rushed and didn't really leave me satisfied.
SO, i bought the whole manga collection in bulk and am enjoying it thoroughly!
I really reccommend this series because i really do think it's a vampire story that won't make you think "oh where have i seen this before! -captain sarcasm". It does contain loli and shota, but can be easily disregarded if you're really not into that stuff.
I can't seem to find this topic in the manga section so i hope you'll all discuss it. Like normal manga, you can read it online and i think the first volume or even the first few chapters will really get you stuck into the series.