Looky-tan wrote...
Was looking for this thread earlier today
There are also 2 other threads about this series.
So yeah, its over and well.... I can live with the way it all went down.
There was enough action, LFO fighting, and information revealed to leave me satisfied.
My only real major complaint is how it ended for Ao specifically.
I am very pleased with the ending
Renton and Eureka are together again, I mean after the original Eureka Seven seeing them separated like that is KILLER
On the other hand VERY glad to see Naru is still friendzoned I personally preferred Fleur but even THAT didn't work out. Tough luck
Thank god it was a semi-happy ending though for a second there I thought Ao was gonna pull some heroic self sacrifice; but I agreed with you about how it ended for Ao. Especially seeing that heart breaking scene of Renton and Eureka BURYING THEIR OWN FIRSTBORN you kinda really want to see them live happily ever after AS A FAMILY