elfen lied wrote...
alwyas good to see there are users willing to support the manga industry by buying the books :D
True but I always feel that I could buy more but some of the stuff I really want just isnt available! (Same with Anime)
Ive been looking for Bitter Virgin (Amongst other things) for a while now but it only comes in fucking French and as for Anime School Days isnt exactly available unless you want to pay $300 for a 'very good condition' set of fucked up used discs from some shady cum splattered basement dweller or a 'Malaysian Boxed set' that smells of old tyres and has some really 'interesting' subs.
Prunus Girl = BUY
Kiss X Sis = BUY
Nymphette = BUY
Vinland Saga = BUY
Family Compo = BUY
So much stuff I want that i'll probably never get a physical copy of. :(