Layfon wrote...
Afroman wrote...
mynameisJ wrote...
Afroman wrote...
mynameisJ wrote...
fuck that statement. anybody can read subs while focusing on the movie..
well it doesn't seems like to me, i know a lot of people who can't... but man... peace... ^^'
who can't?
All of my friends who don't watch anime (with subs) tried watching Naruto and asked me how the fuck can I read and watch? I think you just are so use to it it would seem like everyone could do it. Hell I couldn't I watched Bleach in Japanese for a week and got pissed and quit. Then I kept going and got use to it.
Well same goes here, my friends complained a lot 'cause they donnt want to read and watch at the same time...- 'cause can't focus on the story or something like this >.> - but it doesnt that hard i think... At first i ain't complained about reading subs, i thought about it like improoving my english. After a few weeks i totally got used to it. I tried watching animes in eng dub and hun dub but man... those sucks (for me, not offense). But if you are lazy to read... i can understand those who cant read eng subs (but usually there are region subs for every country ^^) but if u r just lazy... well u know. Once again, no offens i'm just sayin' my opinion ^^ peace
all in all:
I'm waitin' for the new FMA ^^
What i try to do is make sense of what they are saying, so when they say stuff i LISTEN and try and figure out what they are saying without looking at the subs, and if i cant figure it out, then I just read. That simple. It's pretty easy to figure out because in anime they talk slower than they do in reality.
And if you guys really watch anime as much as you do, then you should be able to figure it out.