A comedic slice of life-ish anime about students studying in a traditional art-centric school. Think Hidamari Sketch but faster paced. However, it requires the viewer to be a bit more knowledgeable in how traditional art tools work.
Was looking forward to this series a lot, I was expecting something similar to Hidamari and got that, and a little faster paced too, which makes it simpler to re-watch an episode a few times nano desu. Absolutely love Kisaragi and I am loving Tomatsu Haruka's voice even moar nano desu, and fyi my fav color happens to be Cyan nano desu.
A comedic slice of life-ish anime about students studying in a traditional art-centric school. Think Hidamari Sketch but faster paced. However, it requires the viewer to be a bit more knowledgeable in how traditional art tools work.
Episode 2 finally got released yay!!!!
Seriously I love this show too much, watching the raw's of all the episodes and despite my lack of knowing exactly what is being said, I still love it, at ep5 with the raw. So now having subs is great nano desu!
Here's the OP for anyone curious
Anyone interested? Episodes 1 and 2 nano desu! ^_^