So I was going around the forums earlier and I noticed a picture and quote from a user, more specifically
pyonPyonWarp-kun. His avatar of Gasai Yuno and his/her name and quote from To-Love RU made me think,
"what would To-Love RU have been like if Yuno were in it?"
Now, to simplify the thread:
1. Choose an anime
2. Choose a character from a different anime
3. Include new character into first anime
4. Modify
ONE attribute about the said character
5. Post why.
Now, I'd modify Yuno's Yandere level. She'd still be a crazy-ass Yandere, but not to the point of her in the anime killing everyone. She would certainly be more violent than the Tsuns in To-Love RU. Also, TLR doens't really have any Yandere anyways. It's a needed element in TLR.