I am not sure if this is already a topic, i searched and couldn't fine one.
I was wondering how, if any, anime maybe changed your life or way of thinking.
I personally was effected by the first time I watched an anime. I was watching Naruto in my freshmen year, and up to that point, i was kinda a anti-anime. I decided to try it out, and decided that Naruto was gonna be my cherry popper. I was watching it, getting into the show, the characters so on, and got an idea to maybe watch some of the naruto parodies that are on youtube and stuff. I'm watching one of the Naruto fanflashes when I see a video in the related section. It was of two of the characters kissing. Me being young and stupid, automaticly had lewd thoughts and clicked on it. but to my dismay, it was a video, of pictures of naruto couples set to Everytime we touch by cascada. I was about to leave the video when I saw some of the Naruto and hinata pictures.
I was looking at them thinking, wow, they would be a cute little couple. But then my brain started over thinking.
I'm funny, like naruto. I give my 100% with everything i do, like naruto, even when i know I can't do it! I was in the jrotc program, and one camp they had us do an obsticle course. well i am a little(lot) on the fat side, and couldn't do some of the obsticles, or so people thought. I did the whole thing,a and it was a real obstcile course on a military base, not some stupid high school one. so that night got me thinking....Why didn't i have a hinata? Why don't i have someone to fawn over, its not my attitude, i have lots of friends and i'm always positive. I know how to treat women, with respect and all that, but what was it.....(look down).....oh....that.
So that night, naruto videos on youtube motivated me enough to star exercising, and i am continueing that lifestyle 4 years after, looking for my hinata. So my quesiton is, has an anime ever effected you like that?