Baka-Updates Manga wrote...
During the beginning of the Meiji Era, a strategic town in the North, Hakodate, has become the nesting ground of mysterious monsters known as “youjin”.
It seems the world’s Great Powers are pulling the strings of the youjin.
Hyou, a 15 year old girl has been fighting the youjin alone up until now under the guise of the master samurai “Miburo”…
One evening, as Hyou was fighting for her life, she was saved by a noble, beautiful fighter, Himegami. Their meeting would affect each of their destiny. And now, the hidden truth behind history is going to start!
3 volumes have been translated over at
I'm downloading now, so I can't comment on how it is...But I thought some people would be interested...
(I don't like Himegami's costume design*She admits to being a shameless pervert in the omake, so it can be forgiven*...Lots of big tits. The French ambassador lady seems to like being naked or close to naked alot. Her character design reminds me of Integra Hellsing. I like the idea of a tattoo keeping track of all the demons deaths/births. )