An adaptation of a seinen manga. In 2014 gifted humans began appearing with powers that range from distorting time to predicting the future, these individuals are called Minimum Holders. The story follows a group of Minimum Holders working in a detective agency called "Hamatora", their most recent case involves hunting down a serial killer who murders only Minimum Holders while unveiling the secrets behind the former Minimum Holder training program: Facultas.
More details
Studio: NAZ
Composition: Yukinori Kitajima
Original Character Designs: YÅ«ki Kodama
Character Designer: Yuu Wazu
Scripts: Jun Kumagai, Touko Machida
Music: Makoto Yoshimori
Nice: Ryota Ohsaka
Murasaki: Wataru Hatano
Art: Hiroshi Kamiya
Koneko: Kiyono Yasuno
(Taken from ANN)
Official Website
My take: Durarara! got wasted, had an orgy with the Persona series and the technicolor explosion became Hamatora. Eye-candy galore(fight scenes, character designs), genuinely funny at times and nothing overwhelming yet but so far it's an entertaining show.