misterstupid wrote...
my question guess is some people do like acually put others down for likening an enemy character (ive seen it done IVE BEEN TO 3rd GRADE.)so my question to fakku is have you ever done this even if its neg rep someone for liking an enemy char in a anime show.i was just wondering if people would admit or say no.I sadly have i was supid i know its no reason to be cruel to another but people do it.
EDIT:neg rep like what was happening with motemote people were neg reping because someone voted against thier char
First off, I had trouble reading this post. Also I agree with
HentaiElder in that
HentaiElder wrote...
For me it isn't worth it. I suppose I just don't take fictional things that serious.
I would never -rep someone for having a different opinion than me. No matter how different or absurd it may be. If they went about it in an idiotic, demeaning, non logical way however, then I would consider it.