Synopsis: Hoshi no Koe ~The Voices of a Distant Stars~, uses full 2D and 3D digital animation, is a story of a long distance love and mail messages between a boy and girl. Set in 2046 after the discovery of the ruins of an alien civilization on Mars, man has been able to make leaps in technology and is planning to send an expedition into space in the next year. Nagamine Mikako and Terao Noboru are junior high school students. However, while Noboru will be entering senior high next winter, Mikako is selected to join the space expedition. (by ANN & AniDB)
So I kind of watched this by accident. :lol: I was gonna watch something else but for some reason the title caught my eye. It was only a one episode OVA so I thought what the hell. I've always kind of had a special place in my heart for short films though I don't actually know why. I guess I appreciate the way that an entire story can be condensed into something so small yet it still conveys all the elements that make a story great. Not that this is some great masterpiece, but it's still worth a watch. So if you've got about 25 minutes to spare I recommend you check it out.
Anything by Shinkai Makoto is fukken legendary in the anime world. Hoshi no Koe is no exception - for an OVA episode, it was pretty poignant, and Shinkai Makoto really gets those themes of love and distance across to the audience. A bit of trivia: the main characters' voices were done by himself and his wife ~ awww.