[color=darkblue]The story revolves around a world where every boy and girl has a special power called Iris, which allows them to 'see' certain things that others can't. Toru, the Main Protagonist, was one of the unlucky kids born without having an iris and was bullied from a young age. He lives by his motto: “low exposure” to try and live without standing out in order to avoid harassment from other children. However, his life begins to change when his motto is compromised after a strange confession from the most popular girl at his school.
Without an Iris, Toru is forced to use wits and cunning in order stay ahead, or on par, with others. Perhaps it's the fact that he doesn't have an Iris that allows him to see the world differently from the rest.[/color]
[font=Times New Roman]oh wow i'm already hooked by the first chapter! Despite the artwork not quite being up to level to what i prefer (i can forgive's a a new manga-ka.)the story makes it shines and it doesn't wander aimlessly without direction. Good read.[/font]
Didnt see this in the masterlist so I'm adding my 3rd favorite manga.
Plot: In a world where every boy and girl has a special power called Iris, Toru who, as a result of not having any kind of special power, was bullied from a young age, lives by his motto: “low exposure” – to live without standing out. But his peaceful school life changes when he receives a certain "Confession" from the schools most popular girl, Koyuki. His motto begins to shake!!
The school fantasy story that shakes the heart begins with their meeting.
I dont know exactly why but I enjoy this manga. Yeah yeah it has that romance thing that will take forever to actually play out completely but its pretty standard. I guess my favorite part about it is that people other than Toru arent total idiots when it comes to figuring stuff out in the story. Discuss