Unsigned wrote...
I have yet to play their VN's
Kanon was originally a 12 episode series animated by Toei Animation. It was then reanimated by Kyoto Animation which has 20+ episodes. Toei's animation follows the VN closer than KyoAni's rendition does, however KyoAni's animation is superior to Toei's.
Air was animated by KyoAni.
While you're at it, watch Clannad and Clannad After Story, if you haven't already.
I just recently finished Clannad/~After Stories~, as well as Angel Beats! so good in fact, I bought both Air and Kanon without viewing an episode online to see if it's any good, just because it was done by Key. I'm starting Air and so far it looks like it's going to be a good one, as for Kanon (the KyoAni Version), I just got it today and will probably start it after Air.