rowanatkinson23 wrote...
weell... I just don't this series to end in the middle of the Harem plan like...
last page ending:
Momo:"I guess the harem plan will still continue? ~te~he!"
*cute devilish smile*
*while Rito is being chased by the members of the harem and blushing*
*and Rito also blushing running*
*then ending message "I hope the happy days will continue forever" and there are no epilogues for the fucking futures we have are hopes on and anticipated...
meh this is the only thing I could come up for now... since Momo and Yami are the main heroines in TLRD, I did consider them on the ending...
Route 1
-I am more than happy to accept a happy family ending for Rito and Haruna while Lala and the others visit them or
Route 2a
-Lala got married to him and is pushing him to have a harem but he tell her that she is the one he truly loves
Route 2b
-Lala got married to him "while him being open to the idea of the harem" and he wants to see the others too
Route 2c
-The harem was initiated and there is the happy wedding for all of them and last page shows them all living happily on Rito's house
Route 3(haha sorry I want this lol although Mikan does not really play a really big role on TLRD)
Route 4
-Momo won the Rito lottery
Route 5
-Rito loves Yami either the last scene him visiting Yami who is now with Tearju or her visiting Rito w/ Mikan present(Tearju is optional) or they both go to a date eating with him her favorite dish that he introduced HAPPILY SATISFIED WITH MAX BLUSHING AND SMILE
You have a lot of good outcomes for TLR:D, but still, we also need to wait until the so called "master" of Mea reveals it's true form and have it's appearance known to all the main characters. Until then, I'll keep on waiting for the next release. Personally, I want the ending where Rito chooses either Momo or Yami. Mikan has no objections for Yami but she still is not comfortable w/ Momo but either of them would be great.