Synopsis: One day, Shingo's school combines with a girls' school. As a specially selected student, Shingo temporarily joins the girls' school until they officially consolidate. He meets various unique girls there, but they all dislike male students. To improve their relationship, Shingo works hard, and...
More Information: Another visual novel based adaption being animated by Manglobe. I lack a lot of information on the title and only found out from a friend and my sources that this was being adapted. My friend suggest I try it out, but I have yet to get around to reading the vn yet. Set to air October 2011.
Well I am happy to hear this, since I wanted to play the Visual Novel, but never got around to it. I loved the artwork, and now I can hope they manage to stay relatively close to that original art and look. For those unfamiliar with the art, just about all of the visual novel was illustrated by Izumi Tsubasu, perhaps some of you know of her or have seen some of her beautiful art. She also did some of the character illustrations for Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka, another VN turned anime. So yep, very happy to hear news of this.
Here's the animes website:
I suppose Mashiro iro Symphony will face quite a bit of competition from Majikoi during the Fall season of 2011. The latter appears to be getting a lot more exposure in magazines, based on what I have observed so far.
watched the first episode feels alot like Clannad to me(which is funny because I've never seen Clannad), this is going to be an interesting one.
Wow...I shed a few tears at the end. This is one of the few harem animes that doesn't make it obvious which girl the MC is going to choose. I can't wait for the next ep.
this reminds me of shuffle i am glad i keep watching this anime.
I thought the exact same thing.
With the route its heading... really reminds me of the shuffle anime...
to those who played the VN... any reason why the protagonist is REALLY(probably OVER) thoughtful to those around him? Just like how Shiro got his screwed ideals because of his tragic past