I'm not a fan of animes I consider have "bad animations" and this is one of those that I consider have bad animations but I still consider watching atleast ep 1 before actually judging so I think I'll do that.
How did you decide it had 'bad animations' before actually watching an ep? o.o
Yeah I just heard about this anime today. I found a blog and some guy did a "First impressions" on a bunch of anime, old and new. This one came up. Might watch it when all episodes have aired, it sounds interesting.
How do you deepen your weird bond? Go to school without panties on. Bit of an odd way to go about it, but considering what I'm watching, I really shouldn't be surprised. Also, suck on that Soccer Boy. No Urabe for you.
A mysterious bond indeed. Urabe's slight exhibitionism strikes again. The alien space ship that I'm guessing was a wind chime kind of messed with me a bit. Was that a reference to something?
This is one of those few anime/manga series that really got me curious and interested. The moment I read the first chapter I fell in love with it. Now I can't wait for the next episode once I finish watching the latest one.
The odd powers of Urabe's drool increase. You can add "Share injuries" to the list of stuff it can do. And she made a new drool buddy, and vice versa. Shame Oka has a boyfriend. There could have been some Yuri potential there...
The odd powers of Urabe's drool increase. You can add "Share injuries" to the list of stuff it can do. And she made a new drool buddy, and vice versa. Shame Oka has a boyfriend. There could have been some Yuri potential there...
You can still look at it that way.
Ep 4
In a way Urabe needed a friend who can help her, even if she doesn't realize it yet.
Also Anime food continues to look great and Oka's lips look great as well :D
Tanned Urabe in a swimsuit...I try not to be jealous of fictional characters, but I couldn't help feel a little jealous of Tsubaki there. Lucky bastard. That scissor tanline bit was funny.
Episode 5 was funny as usual. This show is so weird but good at the same time. I now hold Urabe's hotness in a higher regard after seeing that black bikini and tan skin combo.
Oka is really doing a good job of playing instigator. It would have been perfect if Urabe said "Akira-kun" at the end of the episode. I think she says it eventually in the manga. In the second half, Mikoto's facial expressions towards the end were awesome. We rarely get to see her eyes and even more so when she isn't happy.
...Damn. Oka is hot...just throwing that out there. Loved how she tried getting under Urabe's skin like that. I was half expecting her to whip the scissors out on her. Tsubaki meets former crush, says he has plans, done. Here's hoping that story aspect is done with. And first name basis...Urabe is ridiculously cute when she smiles. Tsubaki is a lucky schmuck. Liked the funny face picture.