Scheduled for airing in the Spring season of 2012, Natsu Iro Kiseki is yet another original anime production (yay!), which focuses on the lives of 4 middle school students - Natsumi, Saki, Yuka and Rinko.
Based on what I have read so far, this particular title should fall under the Slice of Life category, protraying the everyday lives of the 4 female protagonists. And for those of you who enjoy listening to songs sung by "Sphere", you will be pleased to know that each character will be voiced by a member of the band. :)
Without further ado, the opening theme song of "Natsu Iro Kiseki":
Not forgetting a link to the official anime website:
Personally, I don't think there will be much (if any) ecchi fanservice in Natsu Iro Kiseki, but I have definitely taken a liking to the song featured in the preview video.
Sure- the premise is formulaic of the slice-of-life standard set by the likes of Lucky Star and K-ON; Cute girls (typically four) doing cute things, but with the slight supernatural spin on it- I rather like it.
I'm not really sure how to explain it- and this will come off as incredibly corny- but I think a good analogy for this series is that pivotal scene in the Robin Williams version of Peter Pan; 'I believe in fairies'.
I think it's a theme that's presented throughout; Do you believe in magic? Miracles? The power of friendship? Yourself?
I believe that I'm gonna stick with this anime- it's been great so far.
I had a fun time watching it. I almost dropped the series after watching 3 episodes, but then I stick to it and found out that it's a very interesting series.
I dropped this show after 2 episodes, cause two of the female leads annoyed the fuck out of me. The blonde one and orange hair.
Not gonna try to change your mind, but the dynamics do change afterwards. The first two episodes were an arc focused upon their fight, and then they move on.
I really like this series I always end up surprised while watching new anime and this one surprised me and made me laugh a lot.
Episode 11
way to go Yuka for sending in audition forms and getting psyched out so fast. This anime feels like a "be careful what you wish for" anime because Natsumi & Saki wish for the summer to never end. Wasn't expecting them to wake up yesterday wow that sounds cool, I can't wait for the next episode to come.
The ending was alright. The issue of Saki moving was the main story of the whole anime so I was expecting a more emotional scene to happen at the end of the looping day. Especially with how it kept coming back every so often without really feeling resolved. Did Natsumi ever talk to Saki's dad?
Overall the anime was okay. Some things regarding the rock and the parents linger but I can guess at those. The body switching was the best part.