brok3n butterfly wrote...
Just because he used to molest Hachikuji and has what appears to be an 8 year old in a bathtub with him does not mean he is a lolicon. Hachikuji will attack when molested and Shinobu can kill him. Plus Kanbaru showed him how terrifying it is to be molested. If anything Koyomi is afraid of lolitas and fate bring them to him.
Koyomi has done nothing weird. Everyone has a loli in their shadow or one they used to molest right?
We know Koyomi's thoughts and they reflect his actions. He's definitely a lolicon. or a siscon...
Either way, he's hogging all the supernatural women far too much... especially the supernaturally lolis. and he should be stopped, the fate of humanity is at stake here.