Story: One day, Usagi Tsukino, a clumsy 2nd-year middle school student (8th grader), stumbles upon a talking cat named Luna. Luna tells her that she is destined to be Sailor Moon, "champion of love and justice", and she must search for the fabled Moon Princess. Usagi finds friends that turn out to be destined senshi as well, and together they fight to save the world from the certain doom brought upon by the Dark Kingdom.
Upon further inspection of the master list, I took it upon myself to bring back Sailor Moon into everyones minds once again. I remember watching this after middle school way back in the day, back then I only used to watch it for the transformations. :oops:
But now it's still a great anime, and I hope you think so as well. :D
Cant remember much but I did like it when it was playing on tv, I think venus was my favorite. I had the SNES game too in japanese. Darn, I must find a copy somehow
I remember the anime, and I remember not to watch it cause I thought it was for girls but now that I think back it ain't that bad it predates Pretty Cure which turned out to be a big hit to kids over in Japan.
This is my gf's favorite anime of all time so I've watched all of it. More than once. It had a lot of good moments, more than I think the average person would expect.
This, along with DragonballZ and Doraemon are the first manga/anime i read/watched in my life. I remember me Shitting my pants when
-Gohan went SSJ2
-Sailor Moon reborned
-Doraemon went back to the future
Bumping this thread to point out that Unos recently uploaded the series:
To those of you interested in reliving some of your childhood memories from (perhaps) one of your first (or very first) anime :D
[font=Courier New]It was an early title I loved, no doubt. Let's see, close to 13/14 years ago. Is this upload taken from the new masters that came out in the last few years? Those look quite good. [/font]
Sailor Moon will always be a classic. I've forgotten a few things over the years since I last watched it but the OP song is still stuck in my head after all this time.
Haha, I'm rather bored of the storyline now, but I still love Michelle and Amara/Michiru and Haruka :3
I just can't get bored of the characters or the songs for some reason...
Was reading the manga to this anime and found out that Sailor Moon and Sailor Cosmos are the same. Glad I finally can say I finished the series both anime and manga
I remember watching this waiting for Voltron to come on on Toonami back in the day. I don't actually remember when Voltron was even aired though so there may have been a chance I was watching this show without any gratification for waiting for Voltron to air.
Takerial wrote...
This reminds me of sailor moon and the seven balls for some reason.
Which wasn't animated very well. Why was that so popular?
It's a bit of a classic thing. The group or person that worked on it was Gravity Work X and you will have at least once seen something of their work. Most likely their works of Sailor Moon and DBZ characters (Seven Balls being one of many works).