Based on the visual novel with the same title released by Windmill in 2009, Shukufuku no Campanella follows the adventures of a young man named "Leicester", who lives in a city known as "The Treasury of the World".
The city is more crowded than usual due to the upcoming meteor festival. On the Day of Shooting Stars, Leicester attempts to search for the fallen shooting star, but instead, finds a mysterious girl who suddenly calls him "Papa"!
(Synopsis obtained from both Getchu and AnimeNewsNetwork)
The success of anime titles adapted from visual novels tend to be mixed. Some do rather well, while others tend to fade away with time. Hopefully, Shukufuku no Campanella will fall into the former category. Since I have not played said visual novel, I will attempt to catch the anime when it airs in July 2010 on AT-X. [font=Arial Black][color=blue]Anyone else looking forward to Shukufuku no Campanella?[/color][/font]
Here are a couple of images to garner interest:
And of course, not forgetting the official website, where you can take a look at the character designs, as well as catch the trailer:
Onwards to yet another harem! :D