Foreground Eclipse wrote...
Legendary_Dollci wrote...
brok3n butterfly wrote...
Legendary_Dollci wrote...
They should make pokemon games more realistic.
Small at birth, big in the middle and eventually they die after 2 years in your possession.
2 years is pretty short. That could be really cruel to leave the game untouched for a year and turn on the game to find half your pokemon have died. Could you imagine how some kids would react to that?
"MOM, DAD, did you guys start messing with my pokemon?"
I don't believe they will be horrified by it, I mean it is just a games after all ... and games sure have a way to fuck peoples minds up, especially the minds of little children.
If you try to collect, that would really suck. If you want the "death", you could play by the Nuzlocke Rules, if a pokemon faints, you must release it or put it in a box and never use it again. You can only catch the first one you see in a new route, and no recaptures. Trust me, it makes the game a whole lot harder. Especially if you follow the other rules like no grinding etc.
Naw I like the way I said it, they die after a certain time or die if you don't feed them or take care of them, and when they are deposited then the professor takes care of them.
It'll be much more challenging, yeah it'll suck when your charizard dies at level 100 with the best attacks but hey, aren't we all cynic?
They should make the game harder, the roads and the city much, much bigger.
They should level up pokemon in ways that is very complicated.
Pokemon has so much to improve, but it just adds new or improved features bit by bit by every game.