Uzumaki101 wrote...
Ethil wrote...
AzulE05 wrote...
Tree-chan wrote...
Final episode of Gurren Lagann.
Just damnit. I had tears of joy in my eyes.
the one when gurren tossed a galaxy 'cuz - what the fuck!? a giant robot just threw a galaxy like a shuriken then slices off another one...!
Hehehe, yea, the galaxy fight is also epic. But that's not the final episode, is it? o.O
........... It's obvious that you have only watched the fight scene.
No wonder you haven't mentioned TTGL
What? If you look up, Tengen Toppan Gurren Lagan is what this is all about. Have seen it all. Though I don't remember the order of how things went really well, was to long time ago I saw it.
And on another note, yea, but all Archers fight's are epic. Especially the one outside the chruch between him and Lancer (onlt in the VN)