fallingzero wrote...
Well as every one seems to know the google seems to be cracking down on some of our less than pornographic sites like onemanga and manga fox hell even here where it is a legitamente pornsite we have seen it happen look at
little white butterflys they arent even shown here anymore so now that we are going into the apocolyps for us shota loli and pretty much any thing that is not the norm my question is what are we gonna do about it? we gonna rollover and take it or are we gonna find sites that arent restricted powerd by google or make our own sites where we are allowed to view these series in question hell the least we can do as a comunnity is find these sites post them share them im at a loss for words seeing as that i havent heard about this kind of thing happen since actual CP but well know what we do is DEFENATELY not CP. So please if you know of manga that have been teporaroly banned post it here and ill try my best to compile a list same goes for if you know of any sites with out our current problem (adsense) seeing as that we are a community we should have nothing to worry about here,
This sounds like a lot of work man, but I give you props for being dedicated to do this. For starters I will say the manga I was looking forward to a lot, but thanks to this stupid inspection and ban of certain mangas due to suggested pornographic or hentai it's gone form onemanga.
"Highschool of the Dead"