Taking a boring story and putting it into 2D will not make it better. The Titanic, both the ship and all forms of the movie, need to remain underwater.
I'd rather not see any remake of any American products. My love for Anime is because it's not a dull predictable storyline set up for the everyday-folks. I like to dig deeper to find my treasures.
no it would be just like the ending fucking rose has this giant board to lie on jack is freezing his ass to death were if she scooted over a little he could have lived. basicly would be shitty
I think it's an .. awful.. idea. To be honest. I've seen a couple of animes of what was originally an american show/movie.. and all of them felt.. downright butchered.
I don't even like the movie Titanic, and I'm fairly certain I'd like an anime version of it even less.