It was released last week (if no one noticed) and just earlier the subs came out so I dl/ed it quick and watched it soon as it was done. If no one else has seen it yet, better grab it by torrent
So, as the title suggests, the episode centered on Mikan, in particular, who was somehow having "mood swings" (showing signs of puberty) in dealing with Rito and Lala's constant ridiculous behaviors at home. But of course, it wouldn't be complete without a good amount of fan service, ecchi-ness, and "TROUBLE" that ensues whenever LALA's around! :D
Btw, in the entire anime series, this is probably the first and only time where I've heard Mikan referred to Rito as Onii-chan... and will most likely be the last just the same; if I'm not mistaken. In any case, that's already a pretty special moment in this episode alone that certainly needs to be mentioned. :razz:
PS: Be grateful and don't be picky! Chihiro sucks, I know, but I believe they did better this time around. It's not like there's any other choice anyway, other than waiting for another sub-group to sub it that is.