RandomRedneck wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
Like I said earlier, Upotte uses a gag and serious way of telling the story. Much like Sora no otoshimono.
Well, they screwed up that method here. And I fail to see the "He didn't die" bit as serious. More...stupid.
Not really, It's literally the same.
Sora no otoshimono
-> gags and fansercive
-> The guy in the sky sends in a new angeloid
-> defeat angeloid
-> return to gags and fanservice
-> Gags and fanservice
-> Real Gun fights
-> End of gun fights
-> return to gags and fanservice
Like I said, It's a just a rule made for the world's story, The guns can only kill people when they are used by other people.
Like they say, "It's not the gun that kills people, it's the people that uses them."
It's a just a story rule. Thinking it's stupid is just your subjective views.